Yoga with Heart
Denver Yoga Co-Op is a collective of skilled, seasoned, trusted yoga teachers who have come together in their shared love of yoga. Each teacher expresses their individuality through their own specific strengths and passions.
During this challenging time in our world and the closing of many yoga studios due to the pandemic, we joined together to offer our classes via Zoom livestream and in outdoor spaces.
Our instructors operate independently of one another and offer their own unique classes and pricing. One convenient website brings you a wide range of classes, styles, and yoga instruction.
As in the word yoga, which means to yoke or unite, we unite in our vision to empower students in experiencing themselves as Body, Mind and Spirit.
We welcome you to our yoga community. Please try one of our free short introductory classes located on each teacher’s page. Discover why students love our classes.
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Yoga has enhanced each of our lives creating the desire to share it with others. Our affordable classes are designed to welcome and support beginners as well as nurture and inspire experienced practitioners. We look forward to partnering with you to help you grow, practice safely and, most importantly, have fun.
Classes Offered
As instructors we design each class to balance body, mind, and spirit. Our hatha yoga classes afford ease and strength as you move and release into poses. Vinyasa classes flow through a sequence of poses. Yin and restorative classes help you release tension as you relax into supported poses. We also offer classes that focus on your core.

There are almost as many kinds of meditation as there are people who meditate. In our classes we explore diverse techniques that we have benefited from for years. We want to help you discover what works for you. We love the community feeling that arises when we meditate together.